Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Numbers of Tigers in the World: Stats and Info (yr 2016)

About two years ago I wrote my last post in this blog. I haven't continued for many reasons. But if you're new here you wouldn't know that. Anyway, here are the current number of tigers in comparison with the previous number. All numbers are acquired through field surveys and some are rough estimates. There are 13 tiger countries in total. I put 2015 for field surveys and 2016 for "rough estimate" because, well, it makes sense.

Previous (yr 2010) : 3200

Current (2015)  : 3890

INDIA (has most of the world's tigers)

Previous (2010) : 1706

Current (2015) : 2226


Previous (unknown): 75 (not field survey)

Newest (2015) : 103  (first ever field survey)


Previous (2009) : 117

Current (2015) : 198


Previous (unknown) : 360

Current (2015) : 443


Previous (unknown) : ???

Current (2016) : 371 (rough estimate)


Previous (unknown) : ???

Current (2015) : 250


Previous (around 2010) : it is estimated that there were zero tigers but there was no field survey

Current (2016) : 7 (rough estimate. no field survey)


Previous (unknown) : ???

Current (2016) : 5 (rough estimate. no field survey)


Previous (unknown) : ???

Current (2016) : 2 (rough estimate. no field survey)


Previous (unknown) : ???

Current (2016) : 0 (rough estimate. no field survey)


Unknown. No survey conducted.


Drop from 440 to 106 but this could be because the first number was not from a field survey.
(Which just sounds like an excuse to me.)


Current (2015) : 189

WAIT. What are Field Surveys?

You're probably wondering what a field survey is. First, tigers' stripes are like our finger prints. No two tigers are the same. Which is cool and handy dandy. So, field researchers will set up camera traps to capture the tigers' pics.

Oh hello there!
Ah yes, the Sundarbans. This is one of the areas in INDIA that tigers live. More info on the Sundarbans HERE.

Another way, which, apparently isn't very favorable cuz you do have to drug the tiger for your own safety...collaring. You shoot a tiger with stuff that makes them sleepy and sloppy and you put a radio tracking collar around their necks. It is linked to a satallite and while you're at it, you take a bunch of samples like fur and claws and check their teeth and measure a bunch of stuff.

Tiger with radio collar tracking device thing.
Apparently it's also seen as stressful for the tiger and some people fear that the tiger might get overdosed or while he/she is sloppy and sleepy another tiger might attack or something and it can get dangerous. Let's make it clear, it's not favorable to use a radio collar on a tiger.

Finally, you need to track their paws. Pawprints to be exact. And anything else they might have left behind, poo (yep, that's right), claw marks, leftover meals (gross but it's evidence a tiger has been there), or tufts of fur (tigers are just big kitty cats. they shed, too).

Couldn't find any good pawprint pics but anyway, that's how field researchers collect data on tigers. It's a long process no doubt but the results are rewarding (I'm guessing).

TX2 aims to double wild tigers by 2022 which is the next year of the tiger. Is it possible? I hope so.


National Geographic: Tiger Numbers Rise for First Time in a Century (published Apr 10, 2016)

WWF Stories: An Amazing 103 Wild Tigers Counted in Bhutan (published Jul 29, 2015)

WWF Stories: For the first time in 100 years, tigers numbers are growing (published Apr 10, 2016)

WWF: TX2 website

Sunday, November 23, 2014

We = Selfish Blobs of Flesh with BIG Brains

So, I haven't posted a new post to this blog because
1. I've been so freakishly busy
2. I've been doing research on conservation
3. I've been busy on my other blog: World Problems and Randomness which is also connected to facebook and twitter now. Trying to be "out there" on the "Internet" and miserably failing :/

This blog is not about Amur leopard or about tigers. No! It is about conservation in general.

The things is, human beings seem to think they are on top of the existence pyramid. And I get it. I mean, we are selfish creatures. That's the way we are. Admit it! Admit it peeps!

So as my delicious looking pudding desert sit in front of me, I wonder,


So where does that thought come from? Well, it comes from watching people living their lives.

We fight, we hug, we study about math (I hate math), we buy trinkets, we celebrate holidays, we buy stuff and more stuff, we create, we, we, we, we,......



And we are in La la Land 24/7. I'm not saying La la Land in the soft fluffy dreamy sense. I'm saying it in the I DON'T CARE sense. ("I don't care! I love it! I don't care!" wasn't there a song like that? Anyways.)

We think about the animal world and our world as two separate things.

But the truth is,

Entwined and Intertwined and Mashed Together and Connected and WHOLE


Here's the twist. Animals can sure darn live without us. I mean, were humans around when the dinosaurs ruled the lands? No. We just happened to evolve (or gods' will for those who believe in that side of it) and come to live on this planet. Just the horses and the elephants and the tigers and the flamingos. They evolved. So did we.

But we got BIG BRAINS and they didn't. That made us think we were above them and they were just a kind of toy for our Happy Meals.

Just to say,

animals ruled the world before us and we just assumed that because of our brains we could rule above them.

But the thing is, they are STILL the rulers. Did the humans and animals ever fight for land rights? No. Sooooo who owns it now? Yes, you, on the other side of the screen. You. That's right. Animals.

And what right have we to bully them and kill them and take their home and exploit them.

Animals can't speak so they just laid back and decided to trust our judgments. They said, "Oh, you want some meat? Cultivate cows, chickens, pigs... Oh, you want vegetables? Cultivate these edible plants. Oh, you want land? Take some.  BUT NOT ALL OF IT."

So here we are ignoring their words and living our mundane lives when we should be saving animal kind from our own cruel, selfish hands.

We can't assume that we are on the top of existence. We can't think that just because we are a little smarter than animals and created things like iPhones and Facebook and drugs and war that we can go on and exploit the animal kingdom.

So, I guess I'll do a quick tiger warning here since I have finger power left...


If we don't do anything. And I mean DO ANYTHING. That word will soon mean nothing. Do not talk. STOP TALKING AND START ACTING! You conservationists out there I can't stand it anymore! If you're so knowledgeable and you have the power to stop it, stop this madness stop it now before those 6 letters are no more than just 6 letters.

Stop this ridiculous talking and start acting! Get your bums off your office chairs and get a move on!

Here are a few suggestions from me and I'm not AFRAID to put it up on the Internet.

1. Park rangers should be trained like army personnel. Discipline, loyalty, obedience, connectivity with tigers, tough grueling training that is awarded handsomely. If the rangers are not motivated, heck, use propaganda on them. Bribe them with money. We Need To Stop This.

2. It is not the poaching that is the problem. It is the demand. You must stop the leak not in the middle but at the hole where that water is coming out. Cover that hole up and soon the water will dry. The reason people aren't taking tiger conservation seriously is probably because they have forgotten the importance of the tiger as an existence. Tigers should not be presented as animals any more. They should be presented as individuals that have dreams and desires and the right to live.

3. Trans-boarder Unity. C'mon. I know we have differences and I know we hate each other so much we want to kill each other. But c'mon. This isn't one country's problem. We are all in this. We need to put our differences aside for endangered species. Admit it people, admit it, everyone of you that you have ALL made mistakes. You have ALL failed. Not just one of you. All of you.... All of you.

4. ASEAN-ROAR (or ASEAN-Tiger). This is a name I made up :) Since there does seem to be lots of tiger range countries in ASEAN countries, why not make up a whole separate organization just for saving the tiger. Heck, we won't need to SAVE the tiger if we hadn't DESTROYED it in the first place. Bringing people together that are already together shouldn't be too hard. Save the tiger, peeps. Save the ASEAN roar.

I thought I should put more but... I'm going to stop here. If any conservationists come across this, I bet you can use these ideas for other endangered species as well. No, no, no, don't shake your head and say it is impossible.

Remember boys and girls, where there's a will, there's a way.

Indira Gandhi... what would you do if you were here?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Amur Leopards: Run and save your skins!

Amur leopards, Amur leopards, Amur leopards...
Ah, the great beauty of spots that walk gracefully and savagely.  Those solitary creatures, those who's furs can be found in the illegal market for up to $1000.  Found in Russia and China the Amur leopard is CRITICALLY ENDANGERED.  How much is this creature endangered?  What is "critical"?

There are only 20-25 wild Amur leopards left in this entire world and they only live in Russia.  About 12 or so are found in China.  All together there are about 35 or so of these creatures left and we must stop this illegal poaching.

So, first you would probably ask why on earth we need to do this?  Heck, they could die out for all we care, right?

Wrong.  To our delicate ecological system, losing one species leaves this big giant gap that nothing can fill.  A huge earthquake of destruction will occur if one species dies out.  Each time one goes, each time our delicate balance of life is thrown off.  If the Amur leopards go, so does their forest and the prey species (roe deer, sika deer, etc).  Everything will be thrown off, you see?

GIMME SOME PICTURES!  You might say so here's one from WWF.

Aww, what a cutey :)

Apparently, the Amur leopards are getting special treatment from the WWF.  They have this Priority Species label.  It mean the species is really important to Earth so WWF is making sure that the Priority Species survive in their home-sweet-homes.

Now, here's another picture from WWF.  We shall hope it is not the same Amur leopard.

It's from the same website so I'm not gonna put the link.

This is the fur of an adult Amur leopard.  Apparently it was found in a private car.  Yes, it sure is beautiful but... but... they slaughtered an Amur leopard :(
One that could've even been a mother :(

Here is a devastating photo of a, MURDERED Amur leopard.  It's from a site called ALTA (Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance).

Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance Website

If this makes your stomach churn and you feeling like rushing to the toilet, then, good.  At least someone's grossed out.  If you don't want to see this sort of stuff anymore, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your teachers, spread the word, get it out, make it stop!

Heck, if only I had a group of people with me then I could really get this word out but right now all I have is people like you who happen to stumble upon my blog, or happen to read the whole thing and think, oh, huh, this is interesting, huh.  Well, hope you think more than just "huh".

Now that we've covered tigers and Amur leopards almost to the brink, I'll have to think of the next topic.  Possibly something about the countries they're from or something.  I don't want to offend anyone and have my blog shut down or anything so I'm trying to stay neutral.  It's really hard when the people in the country are involved though...  Eeesh, don't wanna go into all that stuff :/

Go to
This Place to See What You Can Do

And, yes, you can do something even if you live thousands of miles away from where the Amur leopard lives.

Save us, you can

Friday, October 18, 2013

Tigers: The Grim Reality and the Placebo Effect

Disclaimer: I do not own these pictures.




If these pictures gross you out, bring tears to your eyes, or make you feel sick to the stomach, then good.  This is the grim reality.  This is what's happening to the tigers.

According to the WWF, tiger bones have been used as a traditional medicine in China for over a thousand years.  Their whiskers, claws, teeth are said to have the power of good luck.  And plenty of people believe the affects to be true.

Consumer demands bring illegal poaching.  "Illegal" because of a treaty many countries signed in 1973.  It's called CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).    Even China signed.  Even Japan signed.  Even the US signed.  Even the UK signed along with lots of other countries like Panama, Spain, Togo, Sierra Leone...

CITES signed countries

I remember reading something about rhinos, which are also endangered.  Apparently their ivory tusks have some medicinal value and people are even "cultivating" some just so that they can "harvest" the tusks somehow without damaging the rhinos or something...  Anyway, the tusks aren't scientifically proved to cure any sickness even though users are claiming it helps.

Perhaps the tigers are having to endure the same false belief.

If you don't get it, let's put humans in this light.  I know it sounds harsh to use us but... the reality is harsh :/

Let's say there are some otherworldly creatures that have been living amongst us for a long time.  They are slightly stronger than us but for a long time we have lived in harmony.  Until one of them gets the idea that our bones are a good use for medicine.  Or rather profit.  Maybe they hunger for riches.

They might try dead bodies but maybe digging up graves wasn't such a good idea... where is the livestock?  All around them.  Illegal human poaching begins and we are slaughtered just so that our bones can be ground into powder and used a medicine that may not even work.

I would be so mad at these otherworldly people.  Our race may come to extinction just because of their "needs".

I don't like to be grim all the way through so here's a happy tiger pic I got off the Internet:

So, now that we've basked in cuteness.  Have you guys heard of the placebo effect?  It's pretty interesting.

If you believe that the said medicine works, it will work even though it actually has zero effect.  Why it works?

Humans are quite amazing.  As long as we believe, our bodies will cure themselves even though the medicine doesn't help.

So, because someone put an idea in people's heads, those people are asking for more ivory, more tiger bones, more good luck charms.  Even though they don't work.

Oh, you probably wonder, hey ho, why is it ALWAYS China?  It's not.  Trust me.  All 3200 or so tigers don't live in China.  Seriously, there's already enough people living there.

And take a look at this.  WWF tells us the truth.

The Problems Tigers Face

It's grim.  Too grim.  If this was us, it's like one of those dystopian novels where at the end, everyone dies.  Or is that one of those cheesy horror films?  But this isn't a film.  It's reality.  We can still do something.

I'll repeat;

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Cycle: How it works

So, I haven't been able to post a new one on here for a while for a few reasons:
1. I've been busy with school
2. I didn't have a clue on what to write next
3. Life just didn't bring me here... no wait, scratch that.

Okay, so I'm going to reveal the cycle.  In life, there are lots of cycles.  The easiest one we all know is the cycle of life and death.  We die and the next generation is born.  Another cycle is the food chain.  There's a fish in the sea and the people that eat the fish blah blah but I'm just going to go right to our tigers.

So, you all know from the RAWR! facts what tigers eat, right?  If you don't, you'll need to go back to my archives or whatever and read it.  Well, lets use deers as an example.  I'm assuming everyone or anyone who happens upon this blog will know what a dear is and that it is a harbivor.

Here is the order of the cycle:

One less tiger to eat one deer

One more deer to eat grass

Less grass for all the deer

Deer venture in to people's gardens and fields

People blame deer because no crops means no food and some may kill deer

(I'm not sure of the true reason but maybe) People kill tiger to sell coat and make money to buy food

One less tiger to eat one deer

So here you are!  I throw at you the reality of the cycle!
What do you think?  Are you one of those guilty people who killed a deer then hunted for a tiger?  I hope not.  Poaching tigers is illegal.

Well, I have this slight feeling that people might be the reason to the extinction of tigers in the short run and long run.  The short run is directly killing the tiger for profit.  The long run is killing the tigers' food scorce that was a result from killing the tiger or destorying the deer's habitat.  Uh, this is such a deep and confusing cycle, isn't it?

I've been doing this thing lately and you can do it, too.  Every cent you spend on buying something tiger-related, you donate to the WWF or other organization to save the tiger.  I bought three little tiger decorative stuffed animals today and I kept the receipt so when I have enough, I'm going to donate.  Some of you out there might be too young to donate by VISA.  But if you're really into it, you can still do something about it.  Talk to your parents or make a blog, like me... or you can promote my blog on Twitter or something.

Hopefully, we won't have a humongous deer population in the near future...  This balance, this cycle, this, this, food chain better hold up.  If we have so many deer, someone might make a movie of deer invading our earth.

"The deer have over populated the human race.  We cannot survive any more.  As you can see behind me, there are hundreds, if not thousands of deer just roaming and trashing the city.  The military are doing their best to rid of some of these deer but there are absolutely too many.  The government has authorized people to pack their bags and leave the city.  The only way to rid of them all is to burn the whole city down.  I repeat, the government has authorized people to pack their bags and leave the city.  I repeat--"


Sorry, that wasn't such as serious article... :/

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Rawr Facts: Amur Leopards

So, now let's head on back to our old friend the Amur leopard.  Amur leopard!  C'mon out!


Okay, so, these cats can cook up a pretty good growl, huh?

Now, let's get down to the facts; what is an Amur leopard?

FACT R: Amur leopards are Russian and Chinese, meaning, they're found in Russia and in China.  But there are only a dozen at most in China.  Their lifespan is 10-15 years.

FACT A: You know the little spots leopards have?  Those are called rosettes, apparently, and Amur leopard's have rosettes with thicker borders than its other leopard cousins.  Also, each rosette has more space in between.

Amur Leopard rosettes: The reddish coat is its summer coat.

Leopard rosettes

Can you tell the difference?  It's really hard when you're not an expert  :/

FACT W: The Amur leopard is one of those cats that like alone time better than together time.  They are lone rangers that prowl in the night, kill prey in the darkness, and hide their unfinished dinner, lunch, or breakfast so no one would steal it.  Sometimes, the males will be good daddies and stay with their wives and even help raise the cubs.  So, they're not completely solitary creatures, I guess.

FACT R: Amur leopards have cubs.  And they're cute.  They have 1 to 4 at a time.  The little cubs stay with their mums until they're 1 1/2 to 2 years old.  To care for their little ones, the mother must keep her milk coming!  She will hunt for deer, boars, hares, badgers, and raccoon dogs.

FACT !: Amur leopards have been poached and illegally traded.  It seems that people haven't been able to resist the leopard's beautiful fur coats.  It was a mean game.  The people killed the leopards for fur and to protect the deer and hares that the people hunted for food and cash.  The Amur leopards would hunt the deer and hares for survival.  I would think that the people could have done without deer and hares.  Those poor, poor, cats, survival was tough and still is  :(

Extra FACT: The Russian government is trying its best to help repopulate these beautiful creatures.

What can you do?  How can you help?  Well,

Click here for more info at the bottom!  This is also the site I used for reference.  You can check it out.  And, definitely spread the word to your friends and family.  I'm pretty sure some people from Russia are looking at my blog.  If you are from Russia, get the word out!!!

I'm not sure what to do for my next tiger post... maybe some endangered species heads up thing...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Rawr Facts: Tigers


Okay, so, that was impressive, eh?  Now, let's get down to the tiger facts.

First, the basics.  What's a tiger?

FACT R:  Well, a tiger is a big cat.  In fact, the Siberian tiger is the biggest cat on the face of this earth!  It can weight from 181-306 kilograms!  That's 400-675 in pounds.  My goodness, Siberian tigers!

FACT A: Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat.  They love a nice juicy deer brushed with some field grass, a nice wild pig with a tint of mud flavor, and water buffalo with a side order of antelope.  It is only when us stupid humans take away their forest that tigers would come and steal our cattle or even turn to man-eaters.  If we were desperate, we'd eat things we won't normally eat too, right?

FACT W: Tigers like to be alone.  Of course, except for mating season, that is.  Territory is basically everything to them until the season of love comes around.  Tigers can fight for territory even to the death.  They're kind of like great warriors but all year round.

FACT R: Tigers have cubs.  And they're cute.  They have 3-4 at a time.  The little wabbly-legged cubs will follow they're mother around until they're 18 months old.  Then, at 2 1/2 years, they leave home.  Here's a scary thing the males might do that I'm glad humans don't: The male might kill the little babies to make the female able to mate again.  Not the same male but some other male.  It's all about passing down the genes.

So, those are the RAWR facts of the tiger.  Oh, wait, I forgot the exclamation point.

FACT !: Our old tiger friends live in all kinds of places.  Tropical forests where greenery is dense and lush, evergreen forests where winter leaves a beautiful contrast of the orange tiger in the white snow, woodlands, mangrove swamps, grasslands, the stretching Savannah, and even the hardcore rocky countries.  You might be wondering, "What?  Swamps?  Don't cats hate water?"  Well, remember, this is a wild cat.  And well, actually, tigers are pro swimmers and can even slay some dinner while they swim.  Talk about taking dinner to go.

Extra FACT: Did you know that tigers' stripes weren't all black?  They can be brown or even gray.  He he, you probably didn't know that, did you?  Well, you're not alone!  Neither did I until a few minutes ago.

Stay tooned for facts on Amur leopards!  And of course, even more for tigers!

Defenders of Wildlife: Fact Sheet Tiger